Thursday, December 27, 2007
Steamed Brownies Cake
750 ml putih telur
375 gr gula pasir
20 gr Emulfisier
275 gr Tepung terigu
75 gr coklat bubuk
1 sdt baking powder
1/2 sdt vanili
200 gr Dark Chocolate
250 ml Minyak goreng
Utk taburan tengah: 150 gr Dark chocolate ( di tim hingga cair) atau Meses
Cara membuat:
1. Campur minyak goreng dan dark chocolate, tim sampai coklat meleleh, aduk hingga rata. Sisihkan.
2. Campur tepung terigu, coklat bubuk, baking powder serta vanili, ayak halus supaya tdk ada bagian yg menggumpal.
3. Kocok putih telur hingga 1/2 mengembang, masukkan gula sedikit demi sedikit sambil dikocok terus. Baru kemudian masukkan emulfisier, kocok hingga kental. Matikkan mixer.
4. Masukkan campuran tepung ke dlm adonan telur sedikit demi sedikit. Aduk rata dgn menggunakan spatula
5. Masukkan campuran minyak + coklat yg sdh didinginkan. Aduk rata.
6. Panaskan kukusan. Olesi loyang dgn margarine, taburi tepung.
7. Tuang sebagian adonan, kukus selama 15-20 menit.
8. Taburi coklat cair atau meses. Kemudian tuang sisa adonan diatasnya. Kukus selama 20-30 menit atau hingga matang.
* English version will submitted on request ;D
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Tiramisu mit Naruto
Dhito was soooooo pleased with the Naruto and the cake, of course.....
But, I'm not so satisfied with my work bcoz I think Naruto's eyes was a bit pale.... Haiyaaaaa.... The whipped cream was too pale for celebrating such an energetic young boy birthday (Hiks....I'm so cursed in making kids birthday cakes!!)
On the other hand, I love the sides....I used Wilton's scrapper... Nice scrapper really....(try to comforting myself "wink")
In conclusion, everybody's satisfied and I think I should do the same... 'LOLTF'
Heavenly Choco Cake with Roses
The decoration was simple yet I love it so much...
Kommentar will be upload later..I forgot where I put the sms and those emails hehehehe..what a clumpsy me.... One thing for sure: die kommentar were great...thanks for trusting Rea's Cake to warm up your home delicacies.
Heavenly Choco Cake
They really love this cake by witnessing they ate almost 4 big slices of this cake in 20 minutes when I'd delivered it.
Thanks Ben....Please put your order again next time... :D
Anniversary Cake
The cake was fruit cake. I will upload the recipe later.
I guess I need to put more practise on making figures with fondant... :p
Anyway, my friend was enjoyed the fruit cake so much as well as the other family members of hers...
Happy 4th Anniversary Mbak Dewi...
May the goodness always come to you und your family
Thursday, November 29, 2007
A Letter for Daddy
To make the letter-like more stronger, I also made a traditional pen and a bottle of Ink.
Nice to know that everybody in her house like the cake and its decoration so much...
Thanks for your trusting Mbak Grace...
Monday, November 19, 2007
Baby Cakes for Friends
Both babies are girls and I decorated them in pink.
The cake was Sponge cake with strawberry ganache filling and covered with whipped cream.
May those baby girls will be a good girl for her family and Indonesia.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Minty Chocolate Cake
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Tipsy Chocolate Cake
Tipsy Chocolate Treat
>Recipe by Alex Barker "Essential Guide to Cake Decorating"<
Serve 8-10
250 g (9 oz) dark chocolate
175 g (6 oz) unsalted butter
6 eggs, separated
200 g (7 oz) caster sugar
50 g (2 oz) self-raising flour
3-4 T rum
Icing and decoration:
1 quantity dark chocolate ganache (Recipe follows)
cocoa powder
- Line and grease a deep 20cm (8 in) round loose-bottomed tin. Preheat the oven to 170C/325F/gas mark 3. Melt the chocolate and butter gently in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of hot water.
- Whisk the egg yolks with 150 g (5 oz) of the sugar until pale, thick and creamy. Gently stir in the cooled chocolate. Then fold in the flour.
- In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until stiff but not dry (>>soft peak). Then gently whisk in the rest of the sugar. Fold in egg whites into the chocolate mixture and pour into the prepared tin.
- Bake for 1 H 15 m or until the inserted skewer come out clean. Leave to cool out in the tin for 15 m then remove and cool completely.
- Invert the cake and sprinkle with rum over the base. Allow to soak for few minutes. Turn the cake back.
- Cover the cake with 2/3 past of the ganache.
- Cut a piece of foil at least the length of the cake and twice the hedge. Spread over the warm ganache over it. Let it set but do not allow to become hard.
- Wrap the just-set chocolate around the cake, jagged egde up, and gently peel off the foil as you press to the cake. Leave it to be firmed
- Decorate and enjoy....
Chocolate ganache
Recipe also from Alex Barker
225 g chocolate (dark, milk, or white), chopped
120 ml thick cream
50 g butter
- Put the chocolate in a bowl. Heat the cream, do not boil.
- Pour the hot cream all over the chocolate until completely melted.
- Add the butter. Mix well.
- Ready to use
Caramel Cake
- Melt the sugar in low heat until caramelized. Add water and continue boil until caramel thoroughly dissolved. Remove, cooled.
- Combine butter, milk, and baking powder. Beat until white and fluffy. Set aside.
- Beat eggs until just incorporated (*see NOTE). Add dry ingredients alternately with caramel and DO NOT stop beating in low speed.
- Add butter&milk mixture. Beat well. (*The mixture is not thick but still liquid-like) Pour into 22 cm well greased and floured tulban tin.
- Bake for 60 mins in 180C oven.
- Heat sugar in very low heat for getting a nice and good caramel. High heat would burn the caramel and could be such a waste.
- Pour the water into caramel with extra caution. It would spark if you pour the water at once. Wait until the caramel has dissolved then stir gently until caramel completely dissolved.
- Use only HOT WATER!!!
- Beat eggs just till just incorporated, NO NEED to beat it until fluffy. By doing this you will got those beautiful pores like sponge inside the cake.
- Leave the cake +/- 10 mins in the prepared tin before being baked.
- If the cake surface already brown before its time, put a piece of foil to cover the cake to prevent it from burnt.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
ButterCake on Cuppies
Recipe by Fatmah Bahalwan
120gr butter/ good quality margarine
½ tsp vanilla powder
250gr caster sugar (I used 175 grams only)
2 eggs
200gr flour, sifted
1tsp baking powder
150ml fresh milk
Beat butter, sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy. It looks a bit pale on this stage and sugar has incorporated. Add eggs, beat again for 3 minutes.
Add sifted flour, baking powder and milk alternately. Mix well.
Pour onto prepared tin or cupcakes tins. Bake for 35 minutes.
AngelFood-Pandan Cake
Pudding Busa Jeruk -Orange Spongy Pudding-
Pudding Busa Jeruk
recipe by Yeni Suryasusanti with a lil modification ;p
4 egg whites
2 sachet @11 gram jelly powder
200 gr sugar (I used 150 gr only)
750 ml water
90 gr nutrisari (or any orange flavoured drink-powder)
jeruk mandarin kaleng untuk hiasan (I used peaches)
Vanilla Vla: (my recipe)
600 cc susu cair
100 gr sugar
2 yolks
1 sdm tepung maizena
2 sdm coffee mate
1/2 sdt vanili
2 sdm dark rum
Pudding directions:
Siapkan loyang puding, basahi dengan air dingin, tata jeruk mandarin kaleng di dasar loyang, sisihkan.
Rebus agar-agar bersama air dan gula pasir sampai mendidih, angkat dari api, tuangkan sedikit agar-agar bening (sekitar 3 sendok sayur) untuk mengikat jeruk
Tuang nutrisari ke agar-agar bening, aduk, sisihkan.
Kocok putih telur hingga kaku, turunkan speed mixer, tuang agar-agar nutrisari panas-panas sambil tetap dikocok dengan speed paling rendah, teruskan mengocok hingga tercampur rata dan agar2 menjadi hangat (hangat yaaa, tandanya uapnya sudah hilang... jangan panas2 dituang ke cetakan karena bisa mengakibatkan terbentuknya 2 lapisan busa dan orange bening...)
Tuang ke dalam cetakan yang telah berisi jeruk yang bekukan dengan agar2 bening, dinginkan.
Vanilla Vla directions:
Cairkan tepung maizena dengan sebagian susu, sisihkan
Kocok lepas kuning telur dengan garpu, sisihkan
Rebus susu cair dan gula hingga mendidih, kecilkan api
Ambil sekitar 3 sendok sayur rebusan susu, tuang ke kocokan telur, aduk rata
Tuang kembali kocokan telur dan susu ke dalam rebusan susu, aduk cepat
Masukkan larutan tepung maizena, aduk cepat, masak hingga mendidih kembali Masukkan vanili dan essence jeruk, angkat dari api.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Banana Bread
75 ml bourbon or dark rum
175 gr plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
Friday, September 14, 2007
Cheesy Fried Rice-Bowl
- Put all ingredients in a large heat-proof mixing bowl. Put in double-boiler.
- Mix in high speed until thick and fluffy peak (about 7 to 10 minutes) or it has reached a piping-able consistency.
- Pipe it into baking tray lined with silpat paper or double wax paper*.
- Bake in 50C for 45-60 minutes.
* This could be subtitute with laminated paper or well known as kertas nasi bungkus in Indonesia...
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Superman BDCK
Cupcakes anyone
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Barbie Cake
kids books which borrowed from my little nieces, and lots of sketches on my scrap book... Here is the result... What do you think?
For myself as a beginner of cake decorations, I think it's quite good hehehehe...(sounds narcisstic? well, I am ;p)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Zebra Cake I
Japanese Cheese Cake
50 g cake flour
50 g cornstarch
60 g unsalted butter
250 g cream cheese, at room temperature
120 ml whipping cream
3 yolks ( I use 5 yolks)
1 egg (whole)
2 t grated lemon rind
5 egg whites
1/8 t salt
125 g castor sugar
1 t lemon juice
2 Tbsp apricot glaze or jam warmed with 2 T water
or decorate with fresh fruit and whipped cream
- Prepare a round spring form pan (22 cm diameter), line with parchment paper and grease with butter or margarine. Heat the oven at 150C.
- Put together in a medium sauce-pan: butter, cream cheese and whipping cream. Cook on low heat, stir until soft and well blended, removed from heat.
- Add flour mixture, stir well. Add yolks and whole egg, blend well. Add grated lemon rind, stir. Set aside.
- Beat the egg whites until frothy, pour in sugar and lemon juice gradually while continue beating until it forms soft peaks. (Remember: DO NOT reach PEAK form)
- Spoon 1/3 of egg-whites batter into cream cheese mixture, gently combine. Fold-in gently cream cheese-batter to remaining egg whites, blend well.
- Pour batter into round spring form pan, bake au-bain-marie (water bath) for approximately 75 minutes until the surface is golden yellow. Remove from oven, let cool on a rack. (I usually just turn off the oven and let the door open so the cake won’t confront a drastic temperature which could cause a dramatically cake-sinking-like)
- After it is completely cooled, invert the cake, transfer cake onto plate. Mix apricot glaze/jam and water, heat until well blended and easy to brush onto cake. Brush the cake surface with this glaze, let cool.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Yoghurt Muffin with MIXED FRUITs
You could substitute the mixed fruit to other ingredients such as nuts, fresh fruit or choco-chips. For myself, I prefer fruits combination. Well, it's all up to you anyway hehehehe...
Bagelen...well, almost there :D
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Favourite Boiled FruitCake
I made the boiled ingredients on Thursday night as I got home from my IELTS course, let it cool overnight. The next very morning, 4.30am, I started to combine the whole ingredients and baked it for 21/2 hours. It's so easy to make and you'll need just to put a LARGE dosage of PATIENCE ;p. Here is the recipe, I copied it from Cake dan Kue Iris by Femina Groups (A Translation from Cakes and Slices from AWP).
Favourite Boiled Fruit Cake
375g sultana, chopped
250g raisins, chopped
250g currant
75g mixed peel
75g glazed cherry, halved
75g dried pineapple, chopped
50g dried apricot, chopped
250g butter
200g dark brown sugar
125ml brandy
100ml water
6 eggs, lightly beaten
1 tbsp honey
2 tsp orange zest
1 tsp lemon zest
250g cake flour*
50g self-raising flour
½ tsp baking soda
Mix fruits, butter, brown sugar, brandy and water altogether in a large pan. Cook without boiling until sugar has dissolved. Stir frequently. Bring to boil in low heat (put the fire only bit above the minimum level) with closed lid for +/- 10 minutes. Remove from stove. Set aside and cool.
Grease and double lined a 20x20cm or Ø24cm cake tin including its all sides. Let about 5cm extra of parchment paper out from the tin level.
Add eggs, honey, lemon zest and orange zest to boiled fruit mixture, combine well. Add sifted dry ingredients. Pour in to the prepared cake tin. If you like, you could make ornaments using nuts and glazed cherry on top. Bake at 150°C for 2 ½ hours. Wrap cake with aluminium foil, let it cool.
Okie dokie, when you read this sentences, it means that you have read the recipe above ;). I just want to tell you that The result was GREAT!! All of us just couldn't stop ourselves for second oops third oh NO...fourth helping for this fruitcake! The taste is nearly the same like the old fruitcake from the Jakarta's "cakeshop-only-GOD-knows where is it now" I ate before. But dad proclaimed that mine is much better hehehehe.... Thanks Dad... This cake is made with L.O.V.E from me to you and MUM....
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Kaastengels itself is one of traditional cookie of Netherlands. I think, Indonesia got so many Dutch influences when it conquered our country for more than 3 centuries. No wonder, isn't it? hehehehe
Make about 850g
550 gram low protein flour, sifted
350 gram margarine
4 yolks
½ tsp salt
300 gram cheddar cheese, shredded
25 gram edam cheese, shredded
25 gram cheddar cheese (extra for sprinkle)
2 yolks
1 tbsp milk
- Beat margarine and salt until smooth. Add yolks. Beat in low speed until combine.
- Add cheese except extra cheese, mixed together until well combined.
- Add flour gradually. Beat in high speed for +/- 30 second then continue mixing with wood spatula until well combined.
- Roll over about 0.5 cm thick. Cut into 1x3 cm2 size. Put it in the baking pan. Grease with spread mixture. Sprinkle with shredded extra cheese.
- Bake for +/- 20 minutes in 150 C temperature.
Tutty Fruity
Tutty Fruity
By. Ny Liem
Part I:
600ml egg whites
275g caster sugar
½ tsp salt
1 tbsp cake emulsifier
½ tsp vanilla powder
Part II:
300g cake flour
1 tsp baking powder (if you do not use emulsifier, add 1 tsp more of baking powder)
Part III:
75g margarine, melted
extra oil for greasing
Part IV:
Orange essence
Strawberry essence
Pandan Essence or Melon Essence
Mocca Essence of Chocolate Essence
1. Preheat steamer.
2. Lightly greased mould with oil and lined with parchment paper. If you are using plastic mould, simply grease the mould with oil only. ( I usually use two 2-litres pudding plastic-moulds).
3. Part I: Beat egg whites until soft peak formed. Add sugar gradually, keep on beating. Add salt, emulsifier and vanilla powder. Beat until double-sized and thick.
4. Fold in Part II in 4 batches. Mix till well combine. Stir in melted margarine (Part III). Fold in slowly with large spoon or spatula so the "air" won't collapse too much until well combined.
5. Divided mixture into 4 parts, drops each essence into it. Mix well.
6. Pour 1 part of the mixture to the prepared mould. Steam for 15 minutes. Pour in again 1 part of the other mixture. Steam for 15 minutes. Repeat this process to the rest of the mixture.
7. Remove from steamer and cake mould. Cooled.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Sour Cream Prune Cake
Sour Cream Prune Cake
(A recipe from Cakes by Periplus Step by Step)
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 35 minutes
Make 1 20 cm baba cake
60 gr unsalted butter
60 g cream cheese, softened
2/3 cup caster sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 tsps finely grated lemon rind
1/3 cup sour cream
½ cup chopped prunes
1 1/3 cup self-raising flour
Preheat oven to moderate 180°C.
Brush a deep, 20 cm baba tin with melted butter or oil. Using electric beaters, beat butter, cheese, and sugar in a small mixing bowl until light and creamy.
Add the egg gradually, beating thoroughly after each addition. Add the rind and the sour cream; beat until just combined.
Transfer mixture to a large mixing bowl; add prunes. Using a metal spoon, fold in sifted flour. Stir until mixture is almost smooth.
Pour mixture evenly into prepared tin; smooth surface. Bake 35 minuter or until skewer comes out clean when inserted in the centre of cake. Leave in tin for 10 minutes before turning onto a wire rack to cool
Cook’s File:
Storage time: 3 days in a n airtight container in the refrigerator or up to 2 months in the freezer.
Hint: Do not overbeat cake mixture once the sour cream has been added. Overbeating with electric beaters may produce a heavy-textured cake.