Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Roses R Pink

The simplest cake deco idea for birthday cake... simplicity surely is beautiful. I made this cake as a request from my friend for his 12-y.o. cousin. The cake is Moist Chocolate Cake filled with Strawberry Ganache and topped with whipped cream. The roses and leaves are made from butter cream.


  1. Wah ini nih kue pesenanku buat adik sepupuku, iya kata sepupuku waktu nerima ini, "ayah kuenya gede ya,lucu banyak bunga mawarnya" hihihi. Walupun ngak sempet nyicipin pasti rasanya enak, percaya deh. Tku ya mbak putu rea atas kuenya...

    Coy Asditya

  2. Anonymous aka Coy..

    sama2... seneng juga denger yang ultah happy dengan kue buatan gw...

    pesen lagi yah....


Thanks for "icip - icip" ya...