Friday, September 21, 2007
Minty Chocolate Cake
A recipe from Crazy for Chocolate (Periplus Step by Step),
I made this for my 27th birthday celebration in my office. The original name for the cake called Gateau Forestiere because it's meringue mushrooms as decoration. I ski ped the meringue and subtituted it with fresh fruits.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Tipsy Chocolate Cake
Tipsy Chocolate Treat
>Recipe by Alex Barker "Essential Guide to Cake Decorating"<
Serve 8-10
250 g (9 oz) dark chocolate
175 g (6 oz) unsalted butter
6 eggs, separated
200 g (7 oz) caster sugar
50 g (2 oz) self-raising flour
3-4 T rum
Icing and decoration:
1 quantity dark chocolate ganache (Recipe follows)
cocoa powder
- Line and grease a deep 20cm (8 in) round loose-bottomed tin. Preheat the oven to 170C/325F/gas mark 3. Melt the chocolate and butter gently in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of hot water.
- Whisk the egg yolks with 150 g (5 oz) of the sugar until pale, thick and creamy. Gently stir in the cooled chocolate. Then fold in the flour.
- In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until stiff but not dry (>>soft peak). Then gently whisk in the rest of the sugar. Fold in egg whites into the chocolate mixture and pour into the prepared tin.
- Bake for 1 H 15 m or until the inserted skewer come out clean. Leave to cool out in the tin for 15 m then remove and cool completely.
- Invert the cake and sprinkle with rum over the base. Allow to soak for few minutes. Turn the cake back.
- Cover the cake with 2/3 past of the ganache.
- Cut a piece of foil at least the length of the cake and twice the hedge. Spread over the warm ganache over it. Let it set but do not allow to become hard.
- Wrap the just-set chocolate around the cake, jagged egde up, and gently peel off the foil as you press to the cake. Leave it to be firmed
- Decorate and enjoy....
Chocolate ganache
Recipe also from Alex Barker
225 g chocolate (dark, milk, or white), chopped
120 ml thick cream
50 g butter
- Put the chocolate in a bowl. Heat the cream, do not boil.
- Pour the hot cream all over the chocolate until completely melted.
- Add the butter. Mix well.
- Ready to use
Caramel Cake
- Melt the sugar in low heat until caramelized. Add water and continue boil until caramel thoroughly dissolved. Remove, cooled.
- Combine butter, milk, and baking powder. Beat until white and fluffy. Set aside.
- Beat eggs until just incorporated (*see NOTE). Add dry ingredients alternately with caramel and DO NOT stop beating in low speed.
- Add butter&milk mixture. Beat well. (*The mixture is not thick but still liquid-like) Pour into 22 cm well greased and floured tulban tin.
- Bake for 60 mins in 180C oven.
- Heat sugar in very low heat for getting a nice and good caramel. High heat would burn the caramel and could be such a waste.
- Pour the water into caramel with extra caution. It would spark if you pour the water at once. Wait until the caramel has dissolved then stir gently until caramel completely dissolved.
- Use only HOT WATER!!!
- Beat eggs just till just incorporated, NO NEED to beat it until fluffy. By doing this you will got those beautiful pores like sponge inside the cake.
- Leave the cake +/- 10 mins in the prepared tin before being baked.
- If the cake surface already brown before its time, put a piece of foil to cover the cake to prevent it from burnt.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
ButterCake on Cuppies
Recipe by Fatmah Bahalwan
120gr butter/ good quality margarine
½ tsp vanilla powder
250gr caster sugar (I used 175 grams only)
2 eggs
200gr flour, sifted
1tsp baking powder
150ml fresh milk
Beat butter, sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy. It looks a bit pale on this stage and sugar has incorporated. Add eggs, beat again for 3 minutes.
Add sifted flour, baking powder and milk alternately. Mix well.
Pour onto prepared tin or cupcakes tins. Bake for 35 minutes.
AngelFood-Pandan Cake
Pudding Busa Jeruk -Orange Spongy Pudding-
Pudding Busa Jeruk
recipe by Yeni Suryasusanti with a lil modification ;p
4 egg whites
2 sachet @11 gram jelly powder
200 gr sugar (I used 150 gr only)
750 ml water
90 gr nutrisari (or any orange flavoured drink-powder)
jeruk mandarin kaleng untuk hiasan (I used peaches)
Vanilla Vla: (my recipe)
600 cc susu cair
100 gr sugar
2 yolks
1 sdm tepung maizena
2 sdm coffee mate
1/2 sdt vanili
2 sdm dark rum
Pudding directions:
Siapkan loyang puding, basahi dengan air dingin, tata jeruk mandarin kaleng di dasar loyang, sisihkan.
Rebus agar-agar bersama air dan gula pasir sampai mendidih, angkat dari api, tuangkan sedikit agar-agar bening (sekitar 3 sendok sayur) untuk mengikat jeruk
Tuang nutrisari ke agar-agar bening, aduk, sisihkan.
Kocok putih telur hingga kaku, turunkan speed mixer, tuang agar-agar nutrisari panas-panas sambil tetap dikocok dengan speed paling rendah, teruskan mengocok hingga tercampur rata dan agar2 menjadi hangat (hangat yaaa, tandanya uapnya sudah hilang... jangan panas2 dituang ke cetakan karena bisa mengakibatkan terbentuknya 2 lapisan busa dan orange bening...)
Tuang ke dalam cetakan yang telah berisi jeruk yang bekukan dengan agar2 bening, dinginkan.
Vanilla Vla directions:
Cairkan tepung maizena dengan sebagian susu, sisihkan
Kocok lepas kuning telur dengan garpu, sisihkan
Rebus susu cair dan gula hingga mendidih, kecilkan api
Ambil sekitar 3 sendok sayur rebusan susu, tuang ke kocokan telur, aduk rata
Tuang kembali kocokan telur dan susu ke dalam rebusan susu, aduk cepat
Masukkan larutan tepung maizena, aduk cepat, masak hingga mendidih kembali Masukkan vanili dan essence jeruk, angkat dari api.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Banana Bread
75 ml bourbon or dark rum
175 gr plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
Friday, September 14, 2007
Cheesy Fried Rice-Bowl
- Put all ingredients in a large heat-proof mixing bowl. Put in double-boiler.
- Mix in high speed until thick and fluffy peak (about 7 to 10 minutes) or it has reached a piping-able consistency.
- Pipe it into baking tray lined with silpat paper or double wax paper*.
- Bake in 50C for 45-60 minutes.
* This could be subtitute with laminated paper or well known as kertas nasi bungkus in Indonesia...
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Superman BDCK
Cupcakes anyone
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Barbie Cake
kids books which borrowed from my little nieces, and lots of sketches on my scrap book... Here is the result... What do you think?
For myself as a beginner of cake decorations, I think it's quite good hehehehe...(sounds narcisstic? well, I am ;p)