Sunday, June 29, 2008

TollHouse Cookies

The Cookie recipe below is one of the easist chocolate cookies I ever made, yet the result is great.

I am looking forward to try another cookies recipes from this book for sure..

TollHouse Cookies

A recipe from Cookies by Lucy Knox and Sarah Lowman

125 g/ 4 oz butter
40 g/1.5 oz soft light brown sugar
125 g/ 4 oz caster sugar (I only used 100 g)
1 egg, beaten
1 t vanilla extract
150 g/5 oz plain flour
0.25 t bicarbonate of soda
0.5 t salt
125 g/4 oz plain chocolate drops

  1. Grease 2 baking sheets ( I used silicon paper). Beat the butter with both sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg and vanilla extract, and mix well. Sift together the flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt. Stir in the sifted dry ingredients and plain chocolate drops.
  2. Place teaspoonfuls of the mixture, spaced apart, on the baking sheets and bake in a preheated oven, 180*C(350*F), gas mark 4, for 10 minutes. transfer to a wire rack to cool.
Makes about 36.
Prep time : 10 minutes
Cooking time : 10 minutes (I bake the cookies for 13-15 mins :p)

Monday, June 23, 2008

CLICK: Yellow for Bri

"Dear Bri,

Be Strong and keep thinking positive all the time"

This is my first entry for Click event at Jugalbandi because I want to support Bri, as well as others who diagnosis by cancer. I know what it's like to deal with cancer, since my niece, my uncle, my grandma, my auntie (all from my mother-side line) were diagnosis by multiple type of cancers. We tried every possible ways that could bring them into curing both medical and alternatives.

Yellow is a symbol of happiness, which also signifies as hope and enlightement. Though the work of the LiveStrong Foundation, it has also come to signify the fight against cancer.

Red is a symbol of love, courage, braveness, and spirit. And through my picture taken above, I would like to bind all of hope, love, encouragement, and goos spirit in fighting against cancer.

You could make your donation into this link.

Tape Cupcakes
(Fermented Cassava Cupcakes)

-recipe will upload later because I lost my recipe scrap book somewhere in the kitchen-

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I Love Swirls!!! -a bday cake-

Inspired by Mbak Widya's creation on Playing with Buttercream contest, I applied the same technique on this cake for my friends' daughter birthday party.
This is the 3rd times I made cake for Gek Bintang's Birthday, one for her otonan or 6-months celebration, 1st birthday and this one was for her 2nd birthday.
I ordered the edible image from Mbak Monica from Creative Kitchen. Thanks a lot ya Mbak for always catch up with my deadline hehehehe...

The swirls were colourful and bright, weren't they? I love it!! Thanks to Mbak Widya for inspiring me...

I also made some cupcakes and put smal edible images on it....Look at her expressions....

After we sang the birthday songs, Gek Bintang immediately ask for a knife to cut the cake...Look at her...really like a grown-up girl xixixixixi.... :D She put the sliced cake on cake plate and we all were encouraging her to give the cake to her granny...BUT....guess what!!..she just sit there comfortably then it the cake by herself hahahaha..,,what a cutie pie...

Happy birthday Gek Bintang... Wish you all the best dear...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Yipeee!!! This is the waffle I LoVe!!

After trying so many waffles recipes, this one was definitely the best Waffle recipes I've tried. Its textures and taste nearly like waffles I used to eat at 5 stars hotels wherever I stayed on my traveling time.

I still wishing if someone could share waffle recipe from The Fullerton? Pleaseee..
No worries, I am full of hope. I'll be waiting ;D

Waffles are good with gamut of companions such as fresh fruits, ice cream (yeah, it's the best pairing ever!!!), yoghurt, honey, maple syrup, toffee sauce, chocolate....well, you name it..

I wasn't doing the instruction on exact for the temperature in Bali is getting hotter lately, I mix the ingredients on 5.30 AM and just rest the mixture on warm place then add 3 small eggs instead of 2 eggs stated on the recipe on 9 AM. It turned out just fine and crisp just they I like it. Perfect for my breakfast on SUnny Sonntag.

Definitely yummy....

Last bite..... you could find the recipe here .

Yummy yummy

B/W Cheesecake

This is the result of my weekly-frigde-inspection...
I found 1 box of Ricotta cheese, 1/2 box mascarpone and Oreo's biscuit...

Friday nite, I baked Matcha Chiffon Cake for my friend, Mike. Pursuing to take full benefit of the HOT Oven, I make this cheesecake for weekend dessert...


(Black base)
  • 250 gr oreo's biscuit, removes cream. (you could use any biscuit you like, indeed)
  • 150 gr butter, melted
Process oreos on food processor until fine crumbled. Add melted butter. Press firmly into the base and side of 20 cm pie tin. Leave on frigde for 15 mins.

(White cheesecake)
  • 250 gr ricotta cheese
  • 125 gr mascarpone
  • 4 T caster sugar
  • 2 eggs, separated
Smooth both cheeses using fork. Add yolks and sugar.
Beat egg whites until stiff. Add to cheese mixture.
Pour onto oreos shell.
Bake for 45 mins on au-ban-marie method on 180*C. Cool overnight.

To Serve:
sprinkle brown sugar evenly onto cheesecake surface, burn using blowtorch until caramelized stage reached. Served immediately so you could enjoy the crisp thin layer of brown sugar caramel.
Slices of Tamarillos or any fresh fruits on your choice.


Cake Pudding

Friday afternoon, just stepped out from my office door and I was on my way to my car then my cellphone's ringing. It showed one of my loyal customer's number, Bu Iin.
The conversation follows:
..........after short former talk.....
Bu Iin (BI) : Rea, I would like to order pudding for tomorrow morning.
Rea (R) : Ok BI, creme caramel like usually?
(BI) : Nope, I want cake pudding. Base is vanilla cake NOT chocolate, the second layer is milk pudding and top with fruit and clear jelly. You got the picture?
(R) : Rrrrr...I think so.... Ok, I'll make it for you. But, this would be my first attempt in making cake pudding.
(BI) : Ok. No prob. I order 2 pieces for tomorrow. I trust you as always....

Wow, really I'm honoured!! What a Trust from a customer!!.

Bu Iin, here are the cake puddings in Orange and Strawberry Flavour... Hope you enjoy it...
The Base: Sponge Cake which I baked in 22x22xm pan to fit in 20x20 cake-ring.
in the middle: Spongy Milk-pudding filled with chopped fresh orange and strawberries.
On top Fruit Cocktail and clear jelly/agar-agar.

Edisi Indonesia #1: LAPIS BERAS

Ini postingan pertama dari Edisi Indonesia di blogku, jadi semuanya ber"bau" Indonesia gituuu...Resep asli resep Indonesia, dibuat di Indonesia, beli bahan2nya di pasar tradisional Indonesia dan tentu saja menggunakan bahasa Indonesia walau mungkin tidak sesuai dengan EYD :p.

Awal muasal dibuatnya Indonesia Edition ini adalah ketika beberapa hari yang lalu saya makan siang berdua dengan Hünny di sebuah Rumah Makan Manado di Jl. Sudirman - Denpasar, Bali. Selesai makan siang, saya melihat kue muwih tradisional dipajang dengan cantiknya di etalase di sebelah kasir... Hmmm..keliatannya enak nih pikir saya dan alhasil memesan 4 takir pandan isi bubur sumsum lalu Hünny ikut2an beli kue lapis beras warna putih - coklat.

Dengan air muka heran saya bertanya: Emangnya kamu suka kue kaya gitu? (Jujur aja, kalo terima snack box ada isi lapis beras, langsung aja saya hibahkan ke teman karena ga doyan hahahaha)... Dengan air muka heran juga >>mungkin karena heran melihat pertanyaan saya (yg baca jangan ikutan heran juga yah :p) dia menjawab: Yank, gini2 aku kan anak kampung juga...Aku emang suka banget kue - kue tradisional... Saya langsung bengong....OOOOOO....O-nya panjang deh. Padahal selama ini kalo saya bikin Cizkek, brownies dan popcorn caramel, dia bilang itu favoritnya hehehehe.... jadi ga kepikiran deh dia suka sama Lapis Beras weksss...

Singkat cerita, akhirnya begitu sampai rumah malemnya langsung saya ubek2 buku resep dan nemu resep Lapis Beras di Sajian Pesta-nya Sedap Sekejap... Liat2 bahannya, semua ada di rumah tinggal beli kelapa aja. Menguatkan diri untuk buat Lapis Beras pas wiken, special for Hünny :-)

Resepnya dibawah ini ya:
1500 ml santan dari 2 butir kelapa
1.5 sdt garam
2 lembar daun pandan
300 gr tepung beras
75 gr tepung sagu
300 gr gula pasir
20 tetes pewarna merah muda
10 tetes pewarna hijau tua

Alat - alat:
  1. Kukusan
  2. Loyang ukuran 18x18x7 cm, olesi minyak tipis - tipis dan dialasi plastik.
  3. Sendok sayur
  4. Whisker
  5. Parutan kelapa kalo yang mau parut kelapa sendiri di rumah :p
  6. Panci/baskom 3 biji
Cara membuatnya:
  • Rebus santan, garam, dan daun pandan sampai mendidih sambil diaduk - aduk supaya jangan pecah. Angkat dan saring. Sisihkan.
  • Campur tepung beras, tepung sagu dan gula pasir. Tuangi santan hangat sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus diaduk sampai rata. Bagi adonan jadi 3 bagian, beri 1 bagian pewarna merah (saya pake pasta strawberry), 1 bagian lagi diberi warna hijau (saya pake pasta pandan), dan sisanya dibiarkan putih.
  • Tuang 100 ml adonan putih ke loyang yang sudah dialasi plastik. Kukus 10 menit. Tuang adonan pink sebanyak 100 ml diatasnya. Kukus 10 menit. Tuang 100 ml adonan hijau diatasnya. Kukus 10 menit. Begitu seterusnya sampai adonan habis dan terakhir kukus selama 20 menit.
  • Angkat dan diamkan di loyang kurleb 30 menit. Baru dikeluarkan dan dipotong2.
  1. Aduk adonan dengan whisker aja biar cepet rata dan tidak bergumpal.
  2. Kukus dengan api sedang dan JANGAN LUPA cek jumlah air karena lamaaaaa banget nih ngukusnya!! Percobaan pertama buat kue ini memakan waktu 3 jam 24 menit!!!.
  3. Alasi dasar dan sekeliling loyang dengan plastik agar mudah dikeluarkan. Dan jangan lupa olesi lagi dengan minyak tipis2.
  4. Gunakan benang untuk memotong kue LAPIS BERAS ini agar lebih rapi. Awalnya saya menggunakan saran yang tertulis di buku yaitu menggunakan pisau yang dilapisi plastik dan diolesi minyak....WAH...potongannya jadi berantakan hehehehe....Pake Benang dijamin sukses motong dengan RAPI lho...
  5. Tutup panci dibungkus dengan serbet agar air tidak menetes ke kue yah.
Tanggapan dari Pencicip:
Pencicip pertama adalah Orang rumah (saya dan asisten) : enak juga yah ternyata kue lapis itu hahahaha....tapi agak kemanisan...lain kali dikurangin deh gulanya.

Pencicip kedua Hünny : Enaaaak yank.. ga nyangka kamu bisa bikin kue kaya gini.... bikin lagi dong (HUHUHUHU...kapan2 ya Hün.....cape'nya masih berasa bow!!). Ga kemanisan kok...(yah...kamu kan emang suka manis2 banget tuh Hün :p)

Pencicip ketiga Mbak Dewi dan keluarga: Mbak Rea, aku jujur aja....aku sama Mas Dhody ga doyan ama Lapis Beras...tapi pas buka kotak kue dari Mbak Rea, kok wangi yah..trus nyobain dan udah tinggal 3 potong aja (tadinya 8 potong tuh hehehe)....Lapis Beras-nya enak... Aku pesen ya Mbak 1 loyang buat Ibu Mertua tercinta tapi gulanya dikurangin ya buat besok pagi jam 8.....(Gubraksss!!)... Ya Tuhan, bikin lagi? tapi berhubung ini permintaan teman baik jadi ya dilulusin aja...:D

Malemnya setelah terima telepon abis nemenin Hünny ketemu kliennya di Conrad dan Grand Mirage langsung mampir ke Hardys buat beli kelapa dan gula rendah, kelapanya abis..ya sudahlah..langsung ke Carrefour beli kelapa....dan Minggu pagi2 buta, jam 4.30 udah bangun dan mulai beraksi hehehe...
Jam 8 LAPIS-nya udah siap dan kali ini saya berhasil membuatnya dalam waktu 2 jam 50 menit lho!!

Selamat menikmati ya Mbak Dewi dan keluarga....
Selamat menikmati juga Indonesia-ku tercinta....

Cantik kan kue-nya.... :D